Wednesday, September 18, 2013

action research revised

Action Planning Template
Goal: What are the strategies, trainings, and procedures needed for teachers in order to successfully implement four-to-one iPads in a Kindergarten classroom?
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
1. Research different types of trainings, applications, and strategies to implement technology and implement them among the Kindergarten team.

2. Obtain teacher feedback on training to date and training needs

2. Research last year's data on the unit to be taught.

3. Discuss results with site supervisor

Marli Epperson
Leslie Kennemer
(site supervisor)


Marli Epperson

Marli Epperson
Leslie Kennemer (site supervisor)

September 2013-September 2014

 December 2013

December 2013

January 2013
Use a variety of sources.

Possible Resources:


Previous school year data
- survey of teachers that were trained
- survey of teachers that were not trained

 - survey will detail teacher need and guide future training objectives

-this will allow comparison to this years' student data

-this will allow for a more precise look into which types of trainings teachers need

4. Train group of teachers on a specific unit to integrate four-to-one iPads into pedagogy.

5. Have another controlled group that is not trained in this area.

6. Evaluate outcomes of students' gained knowledge between the two groups.

6. Compare last years' data to this years' data

7. Share a weekly tip for  resources teachers can use for further professional development implementing iPads four-to-one.

Marli Epperson; Kindergarten teachers
October 2013-October 2014
District Curriculum

Education Technology websites, magazines and blogs to keep tips current.

- Pre-Assessment of Student Unit Knowledge
(journal, drawing, interview)

- Procedure or Strategy training for teachers

- Post-Assessment of Student Unit Knowledge
(journal, drawing, interview)

-Student Data

- Notes

- Teacher Feedback
8.  Conduct regular evaluations by survey

Marli Epperson
November 2013- November 2014
- Teacher Feedback
9. Close research, accomplish analysis, and distribute findings
Marli Epperson
November 2014

Action research to be completed based off findings.

As a result of the feedback I received I have revised my action research plan a bit. The revisions are noted in purple. 
Any other feedback is greatly appreciated!


  1. #5 Assuming it is the student not trained, the assessment will cover only that unit - correct?

    Clear guidelines will be set or is that part of the assessment? Is this one of your classes?

    Your objective is to find out what is needed (knowledge based or behavior) to have kinder use iPads in groups of four successfully (what is successfully not breaking it)?

    1. @Sheila The training is for the teachers (step #4). The assessment will cover the unit we typically teach for all students. The trained teachers are learning s piece of technology integration for the unit.

      I am not sure what you mean by guidelines. The students from two different classes (not my own) will be given the same assessment.

      My objective is to determine which strategies, procedures, and trainings (so both knowledge based and behavior based) are needed for teachers to effectively implement iPads in the Kindergarten classroom.

  2. Marli, I like all of your additions you have added into your plan. I think the post assessment is crucial in comparison of data. I also, liked how you put your changes in purple, easy to see the changes, great job!

    1. @Emily Thank you! I agree, the post-assessment will show me how the addition of technology affected student knowledge and application.

  3. Four to one ipad use can be beneficial. Have you defined what you mean by successful implementation? Is it number of hours used, number of concepts practiced using ipad app, is it instructional hours using ipad for presentation?
    Maybe break the ipad use down into skills practice, content delivery, production tools, etc.

    1. I think successful implementation will mean an increase in student knowledge as well as appropriate use of the iPads.
      I appreciate the feedback.

  4. Will the ipad use be across the curriculum or focused on one specific subject like math?
    Did your district purchase the ipads or are they part of a grant?...just wondering (I know this doesn't help your research?)

    1. The iPads are used throughout the day in every subject and even Specials classes. Parent donation allowed us to purchase the iPads.
